Thursday, November 27, 2008

october 2008 - 18 months old

i don't think i have photos from october, actually.
wow. shocking.
i'm sure the changes in my hair were minimal :P
tyler took these in september.
the other dreadhead is my buddy blake. his dreads are 2 weeks older than mine!
funny how different they look.
i guess that's what happens when one of you does maintenance and the other does not. hahahaha. whateves!

september 2008 - 17 months

i scanned my dreads. well, a few of them. i don't know how many i actually have. 52? 54? i forget. i also started my chestpiece...actually that's a lie. i didn't do any work, i just kind of laid there and winced in large amounts of pain.

august 2008 - 16 months old

i am a bad blogger. in my defense, nobody actually reads this blog except for me, and i am a full-time student AND a full-time mom. take that, self!

Friday, July 18, 2008

JOO-LIE 2008 - 15.5 months!

the first couple pictures were of moving day, and the rest were taken yesterday.

june 2008 - 14 months old

may 2008 - 13 months old.


april 2008 - 1 year old!

these photos are from april 22, 2 days after my birthday. good thing i am geeky and religiously sort my photos into months/days/events, right? the last 2 photos are from other days in april, for good measure. yes that's my car, yes that moustache is real, no, that's not my boat.